
40 Uncool Things Boomers Still Think Are Modern

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It goes without saying that you should respect your elders, but it doesn’t mean you have to be a fan of the steady habits they do. After all, their generation is not as tech-savvy nor has access to many things millennials are used to. So here are 40 uncool things that boomers still think are cool.

1. Strip Malls

Picture: RossHelen / Shutterstock.com

Strip Malls are a great place to hang out, but man are they expensive to shop at. Everything you could ever want you can find at Amazon or your local Kohls for half the price. It’s cool to hang out, but you are wasting your money buying anything there. Next one are Cable Companies.

2. Cable Companies

Do houses even have cable outlets anymore? Anyone who knows how to save money knows that cable is just way too expensive and streaming TV is the way to go. Not only that but you can stream on your smartphone meaning no more boring rides to grandmas, you can now watch SpongeBob anytime.

3. Checkbooks

Picture: Imago / Shotshop

How annoying must it have been to be in line at a grocery store and wait minutes for that person in front of you to write a check? Guess what, in today’s world it’s either card or Venmo. Or if you are a true millennial, maybe even use some bitcoin.

4. Carrying a Briefcase

Picture: Imago / Aurora Photos

Nothing said you were a big deal in the ’80s than wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase. Now if you want to be considered a big deal, you need to make sure you take all your meetings during video conferencing in your basement, not wearing any pants. Next one are Shopping Catalogs. Do you still use them?

5. Ugly Shoes

Yes, I know Tom Brady wears crocs, but unless your famous, you have no business wearing them. That’s for sure! And yet somehow the boomers just keep buying these up like they are Air Jordans and hold real value. They are still wearing them everywhere, and we are asking why.

6. Socks and Sandals

Picture: Mykola Komarovskyy / Shutterstock.com

Trends are very hard to keep up with these days, but if anything sticks out like a sore thumb, it’s wearing socks and sandals. There is literally no point in wearing sandals if you are going to put socks on. And then we wonder why clothing trends had to change.

7. Expensive Jewelry

They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but who wants to go around carrying something on their finger that costs more than their car. Okay, that’s not always the case, but let’s be honest. Any girl that says she wants a diamond on her hand, she’s probably thinking to go big or go home. I guess I’ll go home.

8. Phone Clips

You no longer need to let the world know that you are important and have a cell phone. Guess what, everyone has one, and we don’t need to see it. If you don’t want to carry technology in your pocket, go invest in an Apple Watch like all the other millennials.

9. Conspiracy Theories

Picture: CameraCraft / Shutterstock.com

For a generation who supposedly claims the media has become more biased and less trustworthy, it is amazing the type of conspiracy theories that many boomers are sucked into. News flash, is it not that hard anymore to find the real truth, that’s what Wikipedia is for. In the next photo you will see High Wasted Jeans.

10. High Waste Jeans

Picture: IMAGO / Addictive Stock

Unless you have an issue with your hips always being cold, there is no reason you should be wearing high-waisted jeans. These jeans went out of style more than 20 years ago and don’t do anyone any favors. Unless, of course, you are trying to hide that regrettable tattoo, in which case carries on.

11. China Sets

Apparently, nothing signified love 40 years ago more than receiving a china set as a wedding gift. Because possessing overpriced plates that you store in an overpriced china cabinet and never actually eat off of is considered a much better wedding gift than money towards a two-week trip to Italy for your honeymoon.

12. Wearing New Balance

Picture: IMAGO / Manfred Segerer

We honestly don’t know why it’s called New Balance when it should be called Old Balance. Anyone with these shoes is basically telling the world, I am old school and I don’t have any style. But apparently, enough people believe in old styles to keep this company around. Next one are Yellow Pages. Do you still use them?

13. Yellow Pages

Picture: IMAGO / STPP

Thank god for Google, which is basically the internet’s phone book, among other things. And yet somehow there are companies out there that kill thousands of trees just to print a book of numbers that I can just look up on the internet. But who knows, maybe you’re just a collector.

14. Jeans Shorts

There was a time that jean shorts were cool, but the reality is that jean fabric is meant to keep you warm, and so jean shorts just seemed like an oxymoron. But I guess whatever floats your boat if you want to keep looking cool by being warm. Next one will surprise you!

15. Cable News Networks

Picture: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock.com

Guess what, if you miss the news at 3, you don’t have to wait till 4 anymore to see the same news clip. And if you miss the 7 AM news, you don’t have to worry about news being old when you get home at 6. If you want to know why, the answer is called YouTube.

16. Hawaiian Attire

Remember back in 2000 when you know you worked for an awesome company when they told you Friday is Hawaiian Shirt Day? Yeah, I guess that’s kind of cool. Too bad, wearing the shirt did nothing more but make you feel worse than you were in an office and not actually on the beach.

17. Script

Picture: Johnstocker Production / Shutterstock.com

I envy the guy who spends 20 seconds signing his credit card receipt because he shows great penmanship of his cursive. Let us be honest, most millennial’s signature is a squiggly line because no one actually needs to use cursive. Either email me or let me draw. You should have a look at the next photo.

18. Dad Pants

This one is the typical Dad Look and Dad Pants. So let’s see, you take socks and sandals, new balance sneakers, and your Hawaiian shirt. Now all that’s left is your slacks, and you are officially the uncool dad of the Y2K. Do you know people wearing exactly this look? We do!

19. HSN and QVC

The only thing worse than the shopping mall is walking into the As Seen on TV store because while you were knitting, you saw the infomercial for that pan that is way better than the pan you already have and tried calling toll-free, but they wouldn’t pick up. Next one is the Velcro Strapped Shoe wear.

20. Velcro Strapped Shoe wear

Do you remember this shoe? It is almost hypocritical that the same people who taught us as kids how to tie our shoes and how important it is to do so are the same people that don’t even have to worry about it themselves because they secure their shoes with Velcro.

21. E-Mails

Picture: IMAGO / McPHOTO

We all know them and some hate them. Yes, sending emails is commonplace in the 9 to 5 job. But in your personal time, that’s why you have text messaging and face time. I spend enough time reading work emails, I don’t need to read anymore from my mother asking about that cookie recipe.

22. Cruise ships

Picture: alphaspirit.it / Shutterstock.com

Nothing says retirement for some people like spending half their time on a cruise ship. And when the pandemic ends, they will be going back, but no one can really understand why when a cruise is all about being in an enclosed area with many others. Next one is All-You-Can-Eat Buffets.

23. All-You-Can-Eat Buffets

Picture: Imago / Anka Agency International

Oh yeah, we liked that a lot but not anymore. Let us see, for a large amount of money, I can eat as much low-quality and unsanitary food as possible, leaving me full of bloat and regret. Or I can order door dash and for half the price eat vegan tofu that’s good for me.

24. Looking Like a Tourist

Would you say this is the typical Tourist Look? So now that you have your socks and sandals, your jorts, your Hawaiian shirt, and your new balance shoes, all that is left is to get your Polaroid, so you can be the official annoying tourist that everyone despises. Also, let’s not forget the sun hat to complete the ensemble.

25. Figurines


Do they look beautiful to you? Life is about experiences not possessions, right? Not for boomers. After all, it’s not an experience unless you visit the local gift shop or antique store and spend your hard-earned money on useless knick-knacks that really hold no value, but some like it so no offense. Next one are soap bars.

26. Soap Bars

Picture: AlexeiLogvinovich / Shuttertstock.com

The saying always goes when you are in the shower to not drop the soap. Well, if boomers just adapted to millennial’s shower habits and switched to body wash, they wouldn’t have to worry about dropping their $10 bar of eucalyptus handmade soap they bought in Italy. Next one are Millionaire Sweepstakes.

27. Millionaire Sweepstakes

They always say don’t be a gambler, but apparently, for boomers, a one in a million shot for sweepstakes is not gambling, but just a way of life. After all, if you keep doing it, there’s a guarantee at some point two random guys will show up to your doorstep with a check, right?

28. 9-5 Job

Picture: Studio Romantic / Shutterstock.com

Who really calls it a 9-5 job anymore. Yes, you could say I’m paid 40 hours a week, but who actually works 40 hours a week. I have no idea what a time card is, and who says I need to start work at 5 and finish at 9? It’s just not a thing anymore.

29. Millennials Blaming

Picture: fizkes / Shutterstock.com

Apparently, it’s millennials’ fault that the things that used to be cool are not cool anymore. It’s also a generation’s fault that technology was created and deemed to make life easier. Remember to only take credit for what you did right and blame others for what goes wrong. Next one is Bills in Mail.

30. Bills in Mail

Picture: IMAGO / Science Photo Library

Nothing says let me waste space in my house with documents than paying bills on paper. Nearly every bill that someone can receive nowadays can be found online and even more so, can actually be paid online too.

The best part is that you can find records of it too, so you don’t accidentally put the electric bill in the gas bill folder.

31. Bread

Picture: IMAGO / blickwinkel

When they say that something is the greatest invention since sliced bread, they are not kidding. English Muffins, Bagels, Croissants, etc. all these things are way better than a basic slice of bread. Live a little. Next one are TV Shows like NCIS, Law and Order and all the other Police Dramas on TV.

32. Police Dramas

Picture: IMAGO / ZUMA Wire

Whether it’s NCIS, Law and Order or Criminal Minds, it feels almost as if these shows have been around since millennials were born. There are other ways to entertain people, obviously, and cop shows just really don’t cut it for millennials. Next one is Wall Art, do you like that? Maybe it’s time to think about it.

33. Wall Art

Can you imagine going into Michael’s or some other craft store, and dropping $30-$50 on a piece of wall art with words on it? Well, thanks to baby boomers this is a trend. It’s a trend that is not going away anytime soon, but for many millennials is just a head-scratcher.

34. Using an Iron

Picture: goodluz / Shutterstock.com

Gone are the days for many millennials that would ever need to iron clothes and worry about destroying the fabric, but for many boomers, this is still a to-do for their clothes. It’s silly given how many clothing products today are wrinkle-free. Next one is the Sports Millennials are not doing: Squash.

35. Squash

For any millennial, there are literally a hundred sports cooler than playing squash. Heck, I would even argue that beer pong is an acceptable sport before squash. Nothing screams anti-COVID-19 than being enclosed in a small room with someone else hitting a ball against a wall. Next one is a funny thing but a have a look yourself!

36. Carpet Toilet Covers

Picture: Imago / YAY Images

For all those people who decided that sitting butt naked on your carpet floor was a good idea, then I guess the fuzzy toilet cover made sense. But for all normal people, this unsanitary, unappealing, and hard-to-clean concept just does not make any sense. Next one are funny Wallpapers but they look sad, have a look!

37. Wallpaper

Ok, we’ll admit at one time wallpaper was the in thing. But we are long past those days and for any who bought a fixer-upper, we know the pain and misery that comes with seeing it, nevertheless trying to remove it. We sure hope one day we can rid our society of this eyesore.

38. Premade Spices

Picture: digitalreflections / Shutterstock.com

Millennials love to cook, but we also know what spices look like. Need some garlic, buy garlic, need some oregano got that too, and yes every kitchen has salt and pepper. We don’t need Mrs. Dash, but apparently, some boomers can’t seem to figure cooking without it. Have a look at the next photo.

39. Shopping Catalog

Picture: Bohbeh / Shutterstock.com

They say that back in the day, the Sears catalog was like the 80s version of Amazon Prime Day. If you’re still waiting for that think waste of paper in the mail, you’ve probably already missed three sales on Amazon Prime for that favorite shirt you want, and the odds are your local Sears has already closed its doors.

40. Dried Petals

Picture: IMAGO / Westend61

Yes, we want our house to smell good, but that’s what candles and incense are for. Potpourri is just too much hassle for fragrance, and god forbid we spill it somewhere, it will be hell to clean up. This was our list about the things Baby Boomers still like, but Millennials often don’t.