The Hells Angels Motorcycle club (HAMC) has a notorious reputation among both law enforcement and the general public. The club’s involvement in illegal activities has earned the disapproval of the police, while their fugitive behavior has made them unpopular among people.
Similar to any other club, the Hells Angels have their own undisclosed rules and secrets. Fortunately, we have obtained some of their rules, which can provide valuable insights if you aspire to join their ranks. Read this article to gain a better understanding of the club’s rules.
1. They will not tell you how to join

The Hells Angels club lacks a defined procedure for new members. Even the FAQs section on their website fails to provide any information, leaving visitors perplexed. However, we can shed some light on the membership process.
It begins with a “hang-around” stage, where you receive an invitation from the Hells Angels to spend time with current members. Based on this experience, they will determine whether you are a good fit for the group or not.
2. Respect is mutual

The Hells Angels abide by a fundamental rule that applies to both their members and those outside the charter: “Treat others as you want to be treated.”
They firmly believe in this principle and always show respect to others, provided that they receive the same in return. Reporters and neighbors often find the Hells Angels to be friendly and welcoming in most instances.
3. Protect your brand image

Wearing the Hells Angels logo is considered a great honor among all members, and they take extra measures to safeguard the brand’s image. Outsiders are strictly prohibited from wearing the logo, and the club is highly concerned about how it is portrayed in the media.
The Hells Angels even took legal action against Disney for misrepresenting the club in the movie “Wild Hogs.” Their dedication to protecting their brand is unwavering.
4. Angels have to do charity

Contrary to popular belief, the Hells Angels are not solely focused on control and riding; they also emphasize and encourage their members to engage in charitable activities. In certain charters, participation in charity work is a requirement for membership.
The Hells Angels actively contribute to the betterment of the communities in which they reside and ride. Additionally, some members take the initiative to establish their own charitable organizations. The club’s dedication to giving back is an integral part of their values.
5. Every Hells Angels charter has its territory

Respect holds paramount importance in this brotherhood, both internally within the charter and externally with other charters. When one charter designates a specific area as their territory, it is expected that other charters will respect this boundary and refrain from interfering.
While there is some flexibility, allowing certain club members to ride in another’s territory, this freedom is contingent upon obtaining permission to do so. It is not a rigid rule, but rather a principle that fosters mutual respect and cooperation among the Hells Angels.
6. Angels will never miss any event

A strict rule that Hells Angels members must adhere to is attending any event they accept an invitation to. Whether they are senior or newbie members, they take their commitment to the club seriously and make it a point not to miss any motorcycle family gathering.
The Hells Angels prioritize brotherhood and respect, and any member deviating from this expectation may offend others within the club. Maintaining a united front is crucial to the Hells Angels’ values and principles.
7. Only members can wear Hells Angels merchandise

The Hells Angels enforce a strict policy that prohibits anyone other than their own members from wearing Hells Angels merchandise. If someone dares to disregard this rule, the Hells Angels do not hesitate to respond firmly.
If you aspire to join the Hells Angels, it is strongly advised not to be overly confident or attempt to impress them by wearing a Hells Angels vest. Doing so may result in losing your chance of becoming a member, potentially accompanied by some physical consequences.
8. You cannot discuss Angels with the outsiders

The Hells Angels maintain a profound bond among their members, consistently offering unwavering support regardless of the circumstances. As part of their code, the Angels strictly forbid discussing their members with anyone outside the club.
This code of silence extends to cases where members may have disappeared, as the Hells Angels aim to safeguard their brothers from legal complications. Their commitment to protecting their own is paramount, reinforcing the unity and loyalty within the club.
9. No other gangs allowed in their territory

While the Hells Angels indeed hold deep respect for their fellow brothers, this rule of respect does not extend to members of other motorcycle gangs. The Hells Angels have a strict policy against allowing rival gang riders into their territory.
If a rival biker ventures into their area, it can potentially escalate into a confrontation or physical altercation. The Hells Angels prioritize the protection of their territory and maintain a firm stance when it comes to defending it against rival gangs.
10. Always ready for a ride

Another rule within the Hells Angels is the expectation of being prepared for extensive riding. This requirement is typically not an issue, as it aligns with the primary purpose of being a motorcycle club rider.
According to information on the Hells Angels website, a charter collectively covers over 12,000 miles per year, averaging out to approximately 33 miles per day. If you have a genuine passion for motorcycle riding, this rule should pose no challenge or obstacle for you.
11. Only Harley is allowed:

To secure membership with the Hells Angels, it’s crucial to note that the club exclusively permits Harley Davidson motorcycles. Before considering spending time with the Angels, it is advisable to ensure you have the appropriate motorcycle.
While certain charters may allow riding other types of bikes, it’s worth mentioning that the preference is for American brands, with Buell being an acceptable alternative. Familiarizing yourself with these motorcycle requirements will aid in aligning with the Hells Angels’ expectations and standards.
12. You can start your own charter

While it is undeniably challenging, it is indeed possible to establish your own Hells Angels charter. According to information on the Hells Angels website, several conditions must be met. These include having a group of individuals who have ridden together for a significant period, all residing in the same area, actively participating in various events, and sharing a strong sense of brotherhood.
Fulfilling these requirements does not happen overnight; it takes years to forge the deep bonds necessary to meet the criteria for starting a Hells Angels charter. Patience, dedication, and a steadfast commitment to brotherhood are essential in this process.
13. Don’t mention the grammatical error

It has been observed by many individuals that there appears to be a grammatical error in the spelling of “Hells Angels” without an apostrophe before the first “s.” However, the Hells Angels themselves do not show any concern regarding this matter and firmly adhere to the spelling without any punctuation.
It is not a case of ignorance on their part but a deliberate choice to maintain their name as is, without making any corrections or modifications. The Hells Angels have made it clear that they prefer and accept only the specific spelling without any punctuation.
14. Follow the dress code

All Hells Angels members are required to adhere to a strict dress code, primarily centered around wearing a vest that prominently displays the club’s logo and name on the back. This dress code serves the purpose of easily identifying which motorcycle club a person belongs to.
Each charter within the Hells Angels also has its own unique dress code to differentiate itself from other charters. For example, some charters may restrict members to wearing black, while others may permit denim attire. The dress code serves as a visual representation of the club’s identity and helps maintain a sense of distinction among the various charters.
15. The Angels ride in an order:

During their rides, Hells Angels riders adhere to a specific order, ensuring a structured formation that occupies the entire road. The president of the club leads the pack, accompanied by the captains of the charter. Following them are the senior members, while the newer members ride towards the rear.
Potential inductees or those being considered for membership typically ride at the rear of the pack. This order maintains organization and reflects the hierarchy within the club during their group rides.
16. You should better stay with Hells Angels

During their rides, Hells Angels riders adhere to a specific order, ensuring a structured formation that occupies the entire road. The president of the club leads the pack, accompanied by the captains of the charter. Following them are the senior members, while the newer members ride towards the rear. Potential inductees or those being considered for membership typically ride at the rear of the pack. This order maintains organization and reflects the hierarchy within the club during their group rides.
17. Stay away from media

The Hells Angels are known for being an enigmatic and secretive organization. They maintain strict confidentiality regarding their activities, event schedules, and riding details, contributing to their air of mystery. One of the core principles of the Hells Angels’ secrecy policy is that no member is allowed to speak to the media.
This measure is taken to protect the club’s image and ensure the safety of its members. Only those within the organization are privy to the plans and actions of the charters, and it is expected that they uphold this confidentiality, refraining from divulging any information to outsiders.
18. The sacred vest

Upon official induction into the Hells Angels motorcycle club, a person is presented with a highly significant item: a vest adorned with the club’s logo and name. This garment holds immense importance within the club and is treated with utmost reverence. It is not merely considered an accessory but a sacred symbol of membership.
All Hells Angels members hold deep respect for the vest and handle it with great care. In some cases, members may even refuse medical personnel to cut their vest, even in emergencies, showcasing the profound value they place on this emblem of their membership and brotherhood.
19. You need votes to confirm your membership

Joining the Hells Angels club is an arduous and time-consuming process that spans several years. Before becoming an official member, there are various steps that need to be completed. The final stage involves a democratic vote conducted among all members within the charter. In this crucial step, your acceptance into the club relies on the collective decision of existing members.
Their assessment of you and their willingness to embrace you as a member play a pivotal role in determining your entry into the club. It highlights the importance of building rapport and earning the respect and approval of fellow Hells Angels in order to secure membership.
20. A prospect is subject to hazing

Like many other gangs, the Hells Angels also have a tradition of hazing their prospects as part of the initiation process. Hazing in the Hells Angels may involve tasks and duties that senior members delegate to the prospects, such as arriving early for meetings and handling various arrangements. While hazing can occasionally escalate into violence, there is a strict rule that prospects must not engage in physical confrontations with senior members during the hazing process.
If a prospect were to engage in a fight, their chances of obtaining membership would be eliminated. The hazing serves as a test of loyalty, commitment, and willingness to follow instructions, ultimately determining the prospect’s suitability for membership within the Hells Angels.
21. You need permission to link to the website

The Hells Angels Motorcycle club is vigilant in maintaining control over their online presence, and they have implemented measures to restrict access to their website from outsiders. They generally do not permit external parties to establish connections to their website without prior written consent.
Even if permission is granted, it may not be permanent, and the club reserves the right to withdraw it at any time. This strict policy ensures that the Hells Angels can exercise control over their online presence and protect their brand and information.
22. Hells Angels before everything else

Upon becoming a member of the Hells Angels, it is expected that your primary commitment and priority lie with the club. In essence, you must be willing to let go of other hobbies and activities in order to fully dedicate yourself to the club’s endeavors. This means that if there is a scheduled club event, you are expected to prioritize it over other personal engagements, such as attending a tennis match or going on vacation with your family. The wives and families of club members are also expected to understand and accept that the organization takes precedence over other aspects of life for Hells Angels members. This level of commitment and loyalty is fundamental to being an honored member of the club.
23. No cops in the Hells Angels

The Hells Angels enforce a stringent rule that prohibits anyone affiliated with law enforcement from joining their ranks. This means that individuals working as police informants or prison guards are not eligible for membership. The club maintains a strict “no-police” policy due to their alleged involvement in outlaw activities, which has strained their relationship with law enforcement agencies.
Additionally, the Hells Angels prioritize their own set of rules and adhere to them unwaveringly, fostering an environment that is distinct from traditional law enforcement practices. This policy serves to maintain the independence and autonomy of the club and its members.
24. Interrupting a meeting will cost you $100

The Hells Angels adhere to a strict set of rules, even when it comes to their meetings. In particular, they follow the guidelines outlined in Robert’s Rules of Order, which were first published in 1876. These rules provide a framework for conducting meetings in a civilized and organized manner. According to this order, the group respects the agenda and ensures that interruptions are minimized.
If someone wishes to speak, they raise their hand and wait for their turn. Breaking these rules incurs a penalty of $100. By following Robert’s Rules of Order, the Hells Angels maintain structure and decorum during their meetings, allowing for effective communication and decision-making within the club.
25. Never snitch on the fellow angel

Hells Angels members, bound by brotherhood, strictly adhere to a code of silence. They refuse to cooperate with authorities or expose fellow members, protecting both individuals and the charter as a whole.
This commitment safeguards their safety, reputation, and unity, fostering a strong bond within the club.
26. No tolerance policy for drugs

Contrary to misconceptions, the Hells Angels maintain a strict zero-tolerance stance on substance abuse. This includes a specific prohibition on needle use within the Toronto-based charter. The club values its reputation and prohibits any actions that could tarnish its image.
Additionally, the Hells Angels strictly enforce a zero-tolerance policy against sexual harassment, promptly revoking membership for individuals engaged in such behavior.
27. When cops pull over one member, they all pullover

The Hells Angels are bound to comply with the laws of their residing jurisdiction, regardless of personal preferences. If an Angel violates any law, they can be stopped by law enforcement. Notably, when a member is pulled over by a police officer, the entire group will pull over as well.
This action serves two purposes: demonstrating solidarity with their fellow member and potentially intimidating the officer who has engaged with the gang.
28. No retirement policy

Retirement is not an option within the Hells Angels motorcycle club. Once a member, always a member, unless one violates the club’s rules and loses their membership.
While retirement is not allowed, there are benefits to lifelong membership. The club honors fallen bikers with a proper send-off, emphasizing the lasting bond and respect within the brotherhood.
29. No compromise on rules

The Hells Angels prioritize their club’s reputation and strictly enforce their rules. Members found engaging in rule-breaking activities face severe consequences.
Reports suggest that remaining members have gone to the extent of burning tattoos of those deemed unruly. Removal from the club is the most serious consequence an Angel can face for violating the rules.
30. No women Policy

The Hells Angels currently do not grant membership to women, presumably due to their own reasons. As a result, you will not typically see women riding with the charter on the highway.
However, it’s important to note that the Angels do have wives and partners who are involved in their lives and participate alongside the club. While women may not hold membership, they play a role within the broader context of the Hells Angels community.